
Tunisia welcomes each year more than five million tourists, and this figure is
in a constant raise. The chain
EL MOURADI HOTELS, sees not only the number of its
hosts to increase themselves but to become faithful friends... In that, it
embodies and claims the unchanging values of the country: hospitality, opening,
diversity. Its hotels propose a choice of destinations (North to South, coast
to desert), of categories (hotels four and five stars, clubs and even « all
Inclusive » and of motivations (relaxation, wellbeing, conventions, discovery,
adventure...). Whatever his option, the customer of EL MOURADI HOTELS is
assured of a service characterized by the quality of the welcome, the variety
of the products, the comfort of the installations.
His fidelity, we do not take it for chance, or for granted. Who chooses our country looks for, and finds, beauty, security, warmth, tradition...