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El Mouradi Hammam Bourguiba  

4 starsAîn Draham,Tunisia
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Allocation Accommodation Restaurants and Bars Spa resort Sports Complex The luxury Chalet Seminars and Congress
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With its mountains wooded with pines and oaks enveloping the red-roofed villages with their dark green mantle, the landscape around Aïn Draham and Hammam Bourguiba reminds the northern shore of the Mediterranean.
However, the region owes its reputation to the quality of its thermal springs and their sulphurous water which have been in use since Antiquity.

To relax in Hammam Bourguiba is to enjoy the benefits of the sulphurous springs which have been used since the antique era whilst enjoying nature in a mountain village set in the heart of the forest.

El Mouradi Hammam Bourguiba is situated in a nature preserved site, in the northwest of Tunisia.

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